Setting an Intention is the first phase of our work together. Intention integrates mind, body, and spirit. Through heartful, compassionate listening and curiosity, we will begin your process to establish an intention that will anchor our work together and guide your journey.
Connection to our own hearts and truth is vital to our connection with others. In our time together, we will discover with curiosity and compassion any survival strategies that aren’t serving you anymore and find new ways to nurture your relationship with yourself.
Healing takes place when you connect to yourself in a compassionate way. I will hold space for you and provide a container of safety for your healing journey. There is often a connection between what is happening in your life today and something in your past that needs reprocessing. During our time together, we can look at the links with curiosity and will utilize proven tools and modalities for healing.
Expansion is the natural outcome of the healing process. When you release the survival strategies and weight of the past, your heart is open and free to experience the joy and lightness of this psychobiological shift.

My Methods

Through EMDR therapy, patients are able to reprocess traumatic information until it is no longer psychologically disruptive. EMDR is a physiologically–based therapy that appears to be similar to what occurs naturally in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and seems to have a direct effect on the way our brain processes and stores information.
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The NeuroAffective Relational Model™ (NARM) brings the current understanding of self-regulation into clinical practice. This resource-oriented, non-regressive model emphasizes helping clients establish a connection to the parts of self that are organized, coherent and functional.
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Transpersonal Psychology
Going beyond conventional psychology’s continuum of maladaptive to adaptive emotions and behaviors, transpersonal psychotherapy recognizes an expanded view of human wholeness, transformation, and inter-connectedness via the development of higher levels of spiritual consciousness.
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HeartMath™ is a unique system that combines rigorous research, advanced technologies, and validated techniques in training individuals to reduce stress and enhance their lives using biofeedback software.
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Mindfulness can also describe a type of meditation practice that cultivates this awareness, a quality all human beings possess.
According to Mindful.org, “mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.”
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Hiking Therapy
Let the worries slip away while connecting with nature. Nature heals and soothes while utilizing your senses and staying in the present moment.
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About me

My Intentions
My intention is to be fully present with you.
My intention is to provide a container of safety for you.
My intention is to help you access your inner healing power.
My intention is to connect with your heart and what you want most for yourself.
My intention is to follow the thread of your intention throughout our sessions.
Connect with your heart
Come Home to YOU!
Let me support you on your journey to be the person you were meant to be.
Individual Counseling
Intensive an Mini-Intensive Sessions
Hiking Nature Sessions
Trauma Informed Coaching